
Demonstration of Jupyter Elite


Hosted Jupyter Notebooks are a huge part of Vocareum's portfolio of labs. Every day, tens of thousands of learners use Vocareum to work on their notebook for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics classes.

We have introduced a new interface called Jupyter Elite, which is part of a broad upgrade to the learner interface for all of our labs.


October 7th, 2021 10:00am ET

Join us for a demonstration of Jupyter in Vocareum

Hosted Jupyter Notebooks are a huge part of Vocareum's portfolio of labs. Every day, tens of thousands of learners use Vocareum to work on their notebooks for Data Science, Machine Learning, and Business Analytics classes.

Vocareum will be hosting a webinar on Thursday, October 7th, 2021 at 8:00am PT, 10:00am ET. We will be showing a demonstration of our Jupyter interface and answer any questions you may have. 

In addition, we will discuss some of the features that we have implemented recently for our Jupyter Notebook lab. This includes analytics, inline feedback from nbgrader, plagiarism detection, nbextension and more. Make sure to mark your calendars and register early!

Demonstration of Jupyter

Register Now (Thursday, October 7th, 2021 @ 8:00 AM PT, 10:00 AM ET)


For those unable to attend, a recording will be posted on our website and YouTube channel the same day and a link of the recording will automatically be sent to you the day after. We look forward to seeing you!